BLACK DOOR Episode 20: The Episode Before the Episode Before Christmas
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Previously, in BLACK DOOR: Rushing by helicopter to a disturbance in Columbus, Indiana, short-handed and low on ammo, the team has no idea what awaits them on the ground

The chopper buffeted. In the few minutes of flight between Bloomington and wherever they were, the bright sky had faltered to gray, then a brooding dark.

"I'm an intelligence guy," Ratchik said. "An analyst, really. I'm not field qualified."

Garrett was half way back into his field gear after shrugging on a heavy parka. "Qualified? Are you kidding? Are any of us qualified for the weird stuff we've been handling?" He re-snapped his field harness, then checked his coat pockets for gloves and hat. "You're going in with us, Mister Ratchik. You...

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