Someday My Muse Will Come…
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I’m supposed to be writing a scene full of angst and sorrow right now, a full chapter of high drama and feelings. I’m at the “black moment” of the novel, the part where the hero and heroine see that despite their innermost desires, they can never truly be together. It is a tragic scene, bursting with people fighting back tears, swallowing emotion, but keeping a stiff upper lip despite it all because what they are doing is for the “greater good.”

And I am just not in the fucking mood to deal with it.

When I went to bed last night, after wasting the entire evening playing Tales of Zestiria, it was with the intention of waking up this morning and getting to work on this chapter. I was going to be a good writer for a change, sit down in my chair, sip my coffee, evoke th...

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