Buried But Not Gone: Chapter 16 (2)
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of foliage, ready for the approach of his prey.


Jamie continued on, still focused on her paper. She ran through her thesis again. Yes, it would work.

Hesitating, she approached the darkest, most shadowed part of her route, a short flight of stairs leading through a brushy area. Knowing she was being silly, she reached back into her pack and pulled out the knife, holding the naked blade in one hand. She imagined what her friends would say if they saw her now. Then her mind handed her a vivid image of what Sharon Bliss might have looked like, and she grasped the knife more firmly and started down the stairs.

Of course that’s when a man stepped out of the brush in front of her. Jamie gasped and stopped, more startled than frightened. Then she got a good look at the person...

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